
COVID-19: Small Business Resources

The following resources are available for small businesses in Vermont impacted by COVID-19. We encourage businesses to take advantage of these resources and outreach recommendations to engage with customers while social distancing. Last updated 5/5 at 5:02pm.

Governor Phil Scott issued a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order effective March 25, 2020 at 5pm. All businesses and not-for-profit entities not expressly exempted in the order must suspend all in-person business operations. Operations that can be conducted online or by phone, or sales that can be facilitated with curbside pickup or delivery only, can continue. These restrictive measures are in place to minimize all unnecessary activities outside the home to slow the spread of this virus and protect the public. The Stay Home, Stay Safe order will be in effect until April 15, 2020, though may be extended or shortened as needed.  Commercial entities, non-profits, employers and others with questions about the acceptable continuation of business operations should complete this online form:

Federal Guidance

Small Business Administration

Business Impact and SBA Loans

Prof. Beauty Association

  • Covid Relief Fund

    • The PBA COVID-19 Relief Fund will provide $500 to licensed beauty professionals who are unable to work due to COVID-19.

Center for Disease Control

CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers

National Resources

VtRGA Guidelines

Additional Resources

Update your Google Listing

Update your Business Hours and Offerings Online

Outreach Recommendations

Share your Efforts to Keep Customers Safe
In addition to taking following the CDC’s and state’s health guidance recommendations, identify your protocol to keep your business clean and sanitary then communicate what you're doing. Post it prominently on your website, share it to social media, hang a flyer on your door or windows. Communication is key in times of duress and should be used to make customers feel safe and welcome.

Provide Live Updates
Has panic buying or reduced supplier availability depleted your stocks? Let your customers know before they make the journey on social media and suggest alternative products. Not only do you save them the disappointment, but you also offer them a solution to their problem! Pay special attention to your comments and messages to retain and strengthen relationships with customers.

Consider Virtual Alternatives for Services
Embrace technology to offer your services online. Try offering an event or class on Facebook Live, Zoom, Youtube, or other video hosting services. Offer a direct link for current customers or stream it publicly to reach prospective new audiences.

Rethink your Marketing Plan
Focus your attention on those will are still planning to shop, go out to eat, etc. Try running specials on things that are perishable or introduce a product/offering of the day. This is something you can promote online to stimulate interest even if you don't offer the ability to buy online. If applicable, look into selling online or offering curbside pickup through social media or by phone.

Up the Personal Attention
Most local businesses can't become e-commerce businesses, but are there opportunities for you to provide personal shopper services? This may mean adding the option to do a video call with clients or a virtual store walkthrough.

Check out more marketing tips and tricks on