Poetry Downtown Rutland

Call for Submissions! The Paper Poet invites you to contribute to Poetry Downtown Rutland!

We are currently soliciting original poetry submissions from poets of all ages. No more than three poems should be submitted, each of them 30 lines or less. The deadline for submission is March 25, 2025. Submit your information and up to 3 poems for inclusion in the Poetry Downtown Rutland 2025. Submit your poem online here >>

Poets will have their poem on display in a downtown Rutland business front window during National Poetry Month. Poems will be displayed from early April through the first week of May. The community is invited to celebrate by following the pop-up poetry path (maps will be available at Phoenix Books Rutland) to read the poems in the window displays.

  • By sending your work to The Paper Poet for the project, Poetry Downtown Rutland, poets agree to the following: Poetry Downtown Rutland may use poems in display, in promotional materials, and in associated online, print, or other media. All other rights remain with the author. Poets will be credited for their work in all places their poems appear.

  • You do not need to reside in Rutland County to submit. Submissions accepted globally. Please share! 

  • This event is sponsored by The Paper Poet, Downtown Rutland Partnership, and Phoenix Books Rutland.